The ladies got their first mail today! It was a care package from their Aunt Stacy in St. Louis. :) Inside we found a note from Auntie herself saying how excited she is to meet the girls! Under that sweet note were some face wipes (that will come in VERY handy) a four-pack of the most adorable onsies, and a book titled "On the Day You Were Born."

I'm so excited because this starts their library. I really want my girls to be able to escape into the amazing worlds found in books, and this is a great start. And this being a pre-loved copy, we can always imagine the amazing adventures this book has already seen.
Plus, Aunt Stacy is a very green person so I know these wipes don't have a bajillion chemicals or smell to high heaven. I'm trying to keep away from smelly chemical-infused things for my girls, so I'm ever-grateful for these fun wipes.
And the onesies are the cutest! They are white and purple, but they have some nifty designs and are even premie sized. All of this just makes me excited to meet these little munchkins. But before that can happen, they need to take their time and grow as big as they can before they come out to meet their family.
You hear that girls? Stay put for now. Give us a few more months to get the world ready for you and you can spend that time getting ready for the world. Love you both!
Glad you liked it! I have another one coming sometime soon.
ReplyDeleteOh, yay! Thank you so much! I am so excited to see all of the fun and adorable stuff out there for babies, but I am also excited to start a little library for them, too.