How far along: 23 Weeks
Baby Size: About the size of a pomegranate
Weight gain: 9 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yuppers. So much more comfy for the belly.
Stretch marks: Little ones still forming
Baby Size: About the size of a pomegranate
Weight gain: 9 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yuppers. So much more comfy for the belly.
Stretch marks: Little ones still forming
Sleep: I like to sleep, the girls like to kick my bladder. It's a compromise, but we work it out. I just get up once or twice a night to go potty.
Gender: Pink and purple... little girls!
Best moment this week: Scoring a Jeep tandem stroller for $20 at Salvation Army!
Looking forward to: Another ultrasound on Tuesday and a trip to Florida for a wedding!
What I miss: Being able to slip on a pair of jeans...
Movement: They are pretty active little gymnasts. One maintains a grudge against my ribs, and they are both constantly moving around.
Food cravings: Just sweet things and some spicy things. Not at once, just in general.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! I'm so lucky that way.
Labor Signs: Still a long way off for this one.
Symptoms: My belly is getting enormous!
Belly Button in or out? Out!
Rings on or off? On
Mood: A bit more panicky this week, but still excited. There are constant reminders of how unprepared I am for the arrival of these little girls. But no matter what, they will have a loving home, so I have to keep that at the forefront of my mind.
Best moment this week: Scoring a Jeep tandem stroller for $20 at Salvation Army!
Looking forward to: Another ultrasound on Tuesday and a trip to Florida for a wedding!
What I miss: Being able to slip on a pair of jeans...
Movement: They are pretty active little gymnasts. One maintains a grudge against my ribs, and they are both constantly moving around.
Food cravings: Just sweet things and some spicy things. Not at once, just in general.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope! I'm so lucky that way.
Labor Signs: Still a long way off for this one.
Symptoms: My belly is getting enormous!
Belly Button in or out? Out!
Rings on or off? On
Mood: A bit more panicky this week, but still excited. There are constant reminders of how unprepared I am for the arrival of these little girls. But no matter what, they will have a loving home, so I have to keep that at the forefront of my mind.
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